Onna No Karada Ga Iya Nano De Mune O Torimashita
女の体が嫌なので胸を取りました ; Onna no karada ga iyananode mune o torimashita ; I Hated My Female Body, so I Cut Off My Breasts
- Author(s) : Kazuki (Kazuki5) ,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Dec 02,2024 - 09:07 AM
- View : 2.4K
- Genres : Slice of life,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot rate : 2.17/ 5 - 24 votes
Onna No Karada Ga Iya Nano De Mune O Torimashita summary:
The author, who is non-binary (seeing themselves as neither male or female), chronicles their decision to have top surgery. Essays on the actual experience, from planning the surgery, to what happened afterwards.
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